Mihai Mihalcea /
Farid Fairuz

Let's not speak at all

60 minutes performative one-to-one encounter

20/21/22 September 2013, Atelier 3, Akademie der Künste Berlin

As we all know, knowledge is connected to power. In a performance situation there is a lot of domination and coercion based on the fact that the artists usually consider they have the power of knowledge which should be delivered to the spectator. In this context my proposal is to abolish this relation based on power and forget about the performance. I want to be equal with my spectator and share the responsibility and, as well, the power. Therefore there will be an hour of unknown, negotiation, tensions, an ongoing flow of thoughts, emotions and maybe gestures, actions or possibly just a paralysis based on the difficulty to communicate. What will come out of this experience is the responsibility of both of us (you and me).

I invite you to share an intimate space with me for one hour. Just be yourself and have to openness and curiosity to have this encounter, which we don’t know what will lead to. Let’s meet as very old and good friends who don’t need words anymore. This will be the only specific and important requirement from my side: let’s don’t speak at all. Let’s see what kind of experience we can have together without words and without pretending anything. Don’t force things to any direction! How we would communicate then? What we would do in such situation? What it will happen in these circumstances? Let’s experience it, not only think about it!
